Monthly Archives: November 2015


3 Things to Know if You are Attacked in Public!

In our previous article, Amerson’s Taekwondo and Fitness taught you the steps you needed to take to avoid being the victim of a public assault. But no matter how cautious you are, there still may come a time when the unthinkable happens. If you are attacked in public, remember these 3 things to remove yourself from your assailant’s grasp.

Continue to Draw Attention to Yourself

If you are untrained or out of shape, you are likely to tire quickly when placed in this intense situation. You have 30 seconds or less to act before fatigue sets in. Use this time wisely.

  • Make lots of noise! Scream or shout “NO!” or “BACK OFF!” to make your presence known to others in the area.
  • Stay focused on your goal to break free. Your energy and demeanor count as much as your attacker’s.
  • If you can, run to a safe place for you and your family until help arrives. This is not like a scene from a movie. Running to safety is always your best option.

Make it Count!

If you have to try striking an attacker to create an opportunity to escape, make sure you hit hard and fast to an effective area.

Common areas to strike an attacker are:

  • Eyes
  • Groin
  • Nose

Less common/obvious areas to strike an attacker are:

  • Ears
  • Inside of the Knee
  • Throat

Your attacker may be ready to block strikes to common areas, so being comfortable with the less common options will be helpful in removing yourself from the situation. Strike hard, strike fast, and get to safety!

Use What You Have as Weapons

There are a number of everyday items on any given person that can be turned into weapons to help you escape:

  • Keys. Lace them between your fingers and use them as claws or clench one in your fist so it juts out the bottom.
  • Pens. Clenched in your fist, they become a potent jabbing device.
  • Loose change. Small coins can be thrown in an assailant’s face like sand.
  • Water bottle. Squeeze an open bottle to squirt the water in the eyes of the attacker.
  • Magazines. When rolled up, they can be used as a makeshift baton.

Even with one of these weapons, remember that your goal is to strike fast to create a chance to get to safety.

Train Yourself for the Future

If you have not been trained in self-defense, your goal is to escape as quickly as possible. At Amerson’s Taekwondo and Fitness, we hope you never have to use the methods we teach, but believe they are important to learn for the continued safety of you and your family.


Stay Safe During Holiday Shopping!

As the holiday season approaches, the sun starts setting sooner and many people are out shopping after dark. At night, the risk for personal assault rises. In order to avoid this potentially life-threatening situation for you or your children, Amerson’s Taekwondo and Fitness recommends the following safety guidelines:

Plan Your Exit Strategy

Your best weapon for self-defense is your brain. If you know you are likely to leave a shopping complex at night, planning ahead can greatly reduce the risk of attack:

  • Always park your car in well-lit and frequently trafficked areas.
  • Locate your car keys before you exit and have them readily available. Sorting through a purse, backpack, or pockets diverts your attention from your surroundings.
  • Scan the parking lot for anything suspicious, like people lurking in shadows. If you see something you do not like, turn around and ask for an escort to your car.
  • Keep your children in close proximity and hold their hand if possible.

Strength in Numbers

The average assailant chooses targets of opportunity. Traveling with a group of friends or family members decreases the likelihood of an attack. If you are alone and do not feel safe walking to your car, ask for an escort. There are often security guards, attendants, or store clerks you can ask to walk with you. Remember: it is always better to err on the side of caution.

Speak Up: Draw Attention and Aid

In the unfortunate event you find yourself in a situation where you are being attacked, you need to act quickly to dissuade the assailant from continuing. Try to remain calm and follow these steps:

  • Use your voice! By shouting “No!” or “Back off!” you alert others in your area to your distress.
  • A loud shout can also startle your attacker and enable you to prepare yourself for action. Martial artists know this and use the yell or kihap to their advantage.
  • Fleeing back to a safe area and contacting the police is always your best option.
  • If you do get into a physical altercation, strike soft areas like the eyes, ears, throat, and groin for maximum impact with minimal training.
  • Do not give up! The more you struggle and make noise, the more likely you are to be left alone or draw attention that your attacker does not want.

How Amerson’s Taekwondo and Fitness Can Help

At Amerson’s Taekwondo and Fitness, we believe the holidays should be a time for giving and sharing. We hope these tips will keep you safe during the season. We also believe it is essential to learn proper self-defense techniques and martial arts to ensure your continued safety year-round. When you are ready to take your personal safety into your own hands for you or your family, we’re ready to share our dojang with you.