Red Belt
Hand Techniques
- Scissor block – Kawi Mahkgi
- Side punch – Yahp jirugi
Kicks and Combinations
- Front foot hook and roundhouse double kick
- Jump turning back kick
Taegeuk Chil Jang (Video)
Front fall from standing.
Attack: Opposite Side Wrist Grab
Defense: (Side by side throw) Same side foot steps to forward while opposite side hand grabs opponent’s wrist. Same side hand supports opposite side hand and torques opponent’s elbow upward. As opponent twists same side foot steps through taking defender underneath the opponent’s arm. Opposite side foot reverse turns through to complete the 360 degree turn keeping the opponent’s wrist in sight at all times to keep him weak. Take opponent to floor.
Attack: Same Side Arm Grab
Defense: Opposite side foot steps in as same side hand sweeps up in high outside block to dislodge the grab. Opposite side hand knife hand strikes to the neck. Opposite side foot C-step through while same side hand grabs wrist and opposite side hand moves to shoulder or under opponent’s chin. Sweep opponent’s front foot for takedown.
- Baston Anyo Dalawa (Cane Form Two)
- 90 degree spin
- 180 degree spin
- 6 Count Sumbrada (12-1-4 drill)
- Two Cane vs. One Cane flow drill
- Right poke
- Left poke
- Stop incoming roundhouse kick by crowding. Counter with jump turning back kick.
- Reverse Turn Axe Kick
High Red Belt
Hand Techniques
- Wesanteul mahkgi (Sometimes called half-mountain block or um-yang block)
Kicks and Combinations
- Jumping Roundhouse Kick (Rear Leg)
- Jumping Roundhouse Kick (Front Leg)
Taegeuk Pahl Jang (Video)
- Forward roll
- Backward roll
Attack: Opposite Side Wrist Grab
Defense: Same side foot steps forward while same side hand clamps down on top of opponent’s hand to prevent escape. Opposite side hand snake circles up to grab opponent’s wrist creating an S-like shape with the arm. Opposite side foot steps 45 degree across opponent taking down the opponent with center lock.
Attack: Single Hand Push
Defense: Same side foot steps in and same side hand stops the push by grabbing the opponent’s hand. Opposite side hand grabs opponent’s wrist with thum in the middle of the opponent’s palm. Opposite side foot steps back pulling the wrist to the hip while twisting the opponent’s wrist for takedown.
- Baston Anyo Tatlo(Cane Form Three)
- Striking Styles
- Upward Figure 8
- Downward Figure 8
- Cinco Terras
- Two Cane vs. One Cane flow drill
- Left Entry
- Right Entry
- Shuffle back, Double roundhouse counter.
- Jump Turning Back Kick